The following story is base on actual event. The wife cheated her husband and she is cheated by her boyfriend from other community.
It is a cover song of AsuKo Artha (Nepali song)
Main character:- Nisi & Binu , married couple ( Same community)
And Alongbar played as other community

Credit:- An Series present in association with alongbar and Nisi.
Directed by :- Marx
Story by :- Nisi
Featuring Alongbar, Nisi, Binu Rani, Dodere, Arpa.
Vocal:- Bhupen
Voice over by:- Nisi, Priya & Sunit Raja
Director of photography:- Sunit Raja ( 7002041201).
Editor:- Marx
Colour grading:- Sunit Raja
Mua:- Mery & Mainu
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